Product Rentals

Renting a computer, electrical appliance or TV may sound like a great idea, especially when you can’t afford to buy one right now.

But it’s important to know that it will be very expensive in the long run and you’ll never even own the goods. And, of course, fees and charges apply.

Product Rentals (Consumer Leases)

Renting a computer, electrical appliance or TV may sound like a great idea, especially when you can’t afford to buy one right now.

But it’s important to know that it can actually be very expensive in the long run and you won’t own the goods. If you want to own the goods a consumer lease is not right for you. And, of course, fees and charges apply.

If you’re thinking about a goods rental, follow these steps first.

Before signing up to a product rental (consumer lease)

Renting a computer, electrical appliance or TV sounds like a great idea, especially when you can’t afford to buy one right now.

But it’s important to know that it will be very expensive in the long run and you won’t own the goods. And of course, fees and charges apply


Difficulty repaying a product rental (consumer lease)

Already signed up and struggling to repay it? Follow these steps and sort it out.

Find out if you’re eligible for a no or low interest loan. If you are on a low income you may be eligible for the No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS).