There are a lot of expenses in your life and it can sometimes be a struggle to keep up with the numerous payments. Debt isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s important that it’s not out of control or overwhelming you.

The important thing is to seek help quickly. Don’t ignore your debt.

Living expenses

Those everyday expenses like utilities and rent can pile up and leave you struggling financially. The good news is that help is available and there are steps you can take to get back on track.

Credit and other debts

Relying too much on credit, like credit cards and personal loans, can be risky. Having other unexpected debts to pay, like fines and tax debt, can make your financial situation difficult. Find out what help is available and the steps you can take to get on top of your credit and debt.

Debt collection

If you have unpaid bills or have fallen behind on loan repayments, your creditor may take action to collect what you owe them. Find out what you can do if debt collection activity has started, or you are being threatened with legal action, or  you dispute that you owe the debt