Your credit report contains information about your credit history.  Credit providers use this information, and their own data, to help decide whether or not to give you credit when you apply for a loan or service.  It is important that you make sure that the information on your credit report is correct.

Get a copy of your credit report

Your credit report is held by credit reporting agencies.  There are three separate credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Illion and Experian.  You are entitled to get a free copy of your credit report, which will include your credit score once every three months from each of these credit reporting agencies.  You can also request a free credit report, if your application for credit was declined in the past 90 days.  Learn how to get yours here.


Fix your credit report

Credit reporting agencies are required by law to make sure the information on your credit report is accurate, up-to-date, complete relevant and not misleading.

If you find information on your credit report that you think is wrong or misleading, you can take these steps to fix it for free.