Legal Advice

If you’re in debt and have legal questions, you may not be able to afford a private solicitor. So it’s reassuring to know that community legal centres and Legal Aid agencies offer free legal advice across every state and territory in Australia.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, whatever your legal or financial situation. And be assured that if you seek legal advice, your details will be kept confidential.

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Legal advice

While our free financial counsellors can’t give you legal advice themselves, they can refer you to a legal service that can. Call one of our counsellors on 1800 007 007 and ask for a referral or get in touch directly with one of the free legal services below.


Community legal centres

Visit National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) for details of community legal centres across Australia.

Or look up the ‘Community Advisory Services’ section of the Yellow Pages for a list of community legal centres in your area.


Legal Aid

The following are a list of Legal Aid centres that offer free legal advice.

Legal Aid ACT 1300 654 314

Legal Aid New South Wales 1300 888 529 or 02 9219 5000

Northern Territory
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission 1800 019 343

Legal Aid Queensland 1300 651 188

South Australia
Legal Services Commission of South Australia 1300 366 424

Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania 1300 366 611

Victoria Legal Aid 1800 677 402 or 03 9269 0120

Western Australia 
Legal Aid Western Australia 1300 650 579


Consumer credit legal services

Get in touch with these services for free legal assistance and financial counselling.

Consumer Law Centre of the ACT 02 6257 1788

Financial Rights Legal Centre 1800 007 007
Redfern Legal Centre 02 9698 7277

Caxton Legal Centre 07 3214 6333

South Australia
Consumer Credit Law Service  1800 615 677

Consumer Action Law Centre 1800 466 477

Western Australia 
Consumer Credit Legal Service WA 08 9221 7066


Insurance law

National service
Insurance Law Service (run by Financial Rights Legal Centre) 1300 663 464